
public speaking

Kode PPC Anda

Nobody ever died of stage fright, but many people would rather die than speak in public. According to the universal list of fears, the fear of speaking in public is the #1 fear of all fears. The fear of dying is #7!

Stage fright is a phenomenon that has to be overcome if you want to be good at public speaking. Stage fright isn't technically an accurate term as most of the fear takes place beforehand.

Try to think of stage fright in a positive way. Fear is your friend. It gives you motivation to prepare thoroughly. It sharpens your reflexes, heightens your energy, and makes you more conscious of your posture and breathing. Harness it positively, and turn it into vitality and enthusiasm.

Everyone, even experienced speakers, has some anxiety speaking in front of a group. This is perfectly normal. The best way to deal with this anxiety is to first acknowledge that it is normal and you are not alone.

Many stage fright victims are terrified of failure and humiliation, and incorrectly believe that they will never measure up to their audience's expectations. "I'm not polished enough." "They know I'm nervous" "They think I don't know what I'm saying." But in perspective, what any audience wants is just to listen to a well-prepared, honest speaker who believes in his message.

Audiences often admire and respect the speaker for the courage to present publicly. It may help if you know that even before you start, they have a positive impression of you.

How hypnosis can help?
For some, the fear may have stemmed from childhood, when they received strange looks or giggles by classmates in a class presentation. This negative reinforcement might have created a lasting effect. Hypnosis can help to negate the effect by regression.

Visualization during hypnosis can help you view the situation as non stressful and enhance your confidence. Impressed upon your subconscious, will be images of yourself relaxed and calm, coolly walking to the lectern.

You will envision the audience smiling, nodding and applauding. On speech day, these positive triggers will enable your vision to materialize.

Hypnosis can help you acquire better breathing techniques, which will aid immeasurably in your ability to relax. It can help you attain mental clarity and a positive mental state.

When you hear that applause and see smiling faces, it will be the most wonderful feeling in the world. Discover the joy of public speaking with hypnotherapy!

Kode PPC Anda

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